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- 5 rem copyright 1992 - compute publications intl ltd - all rights reserved
- 10 dim by$(15),cm$(15)
- 20 pt$=" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'-#"
- 30 as$="204142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a"
- 40 sc$="30313233343536373839272d23":as$=as$+sc$
- 50 hx$="0123456789abcdef"
- 60 print"insert character disk, press a key..."
- 70 geta$:ifa$=""then goto 70
- 80 open 15,8,15,"i"+"0"
- 90 open 2,8,2,"#"
- 100 print"rpg codebuster":print"run/stop to quit. options:"
- 110 print:print:print"(1) convert character stat to hex"
- 120 print:print:print"(2) convert name to probable bytes"
- 130 print:print:print"(3) find character disk block"
- 140 geta$:if a$="1" or a$="2" then goto 160
- 150 if a$<>"3" then goto140
- 160 if a$="1" then gosub 1320
- 170 if a$="1" then goto 100
- 180 if a$="2" then goto 330
- 190 print"choose method a,b or c:"
- 200 print:print:print"(a) left justified character trap"
- 210 print:print:print"(b) running (embedded) character trap"
- 220 print:print:print"(c) party initial trap"
- 230 geta$:if(a$<>"a"anda$<>"b")and a$<>"c" then goto230
- 240 fl=1:if a$="b" then fl=0
- 250 if a$="c" then fl=3:l1$="":l2$="":l3$="":i$=""
- 260 sf=0:print:print:print"change sector range default (y or n)?"
- 270 geta$:ifa$<>"y" and a$<>"n" then goto270
- 280 if a$="y" then sf=1
- 290 if fl<>3 then goto330
- 300 print"type party first initials"
- 310 input"in order, no spaces";rp$
- 320 goto340
- 330 input"type your character's name, then return";rp$
- 340 forj=1to15
- 350 h$=mid$(rp$,j,1):fort=1to40:if h$=mid$(pt$,t,1) then i=2*t-1:t=41
- 360 next
- 370 cm$(j)=mid$(as$,i,2)
- 380 if cm$(j)="20" then goto410
- 390 if mid$(cm$(j),1,1)="3" and a$<>"2" then cm$(j)="5"+mid$(cm$(j),2,1)
- 400 if mid$(cm$(j),1,1)="2" and a$<>"2" then cm$(j)="4"+mid$(cm$(j),2,1)
- 410 if fl=3 then i$=i$+cm$(j)
- 420 ifj=len(rp$)then j=16
- 430 next
- 440 if a$<>"2" then goto510
- 450 by$=""
- 460 fork=1tolen(rp$)
- 470 by$=by$+cm$(k):by$=by$+" ":next
- 480 print"probable disk bytes for name:"
- 490 print" ";by$
- 500 goto100
- 510 print"possible hot tracks - 27-30,17-20"
- 520 input"which starting track";t
- 530 input"which ending track";et
- 540 if t<1 or t>35 then goto520
- 550 if et<1 or et>35 then goto520
- 560 if t>et then goto520
- 570 print"this takes a while -- "
- 580 print"current track and sector"
- 590 print" being examined:"
- 600 s=0
- 610 print#15,"u1:2,"0;t;s
- 620 print#15,"b-p:2,1"
- 630 print#15,"m-r"chr$(0)chr$(5)
- 640 get#15,by$(0):if by$(0)="" then by$(0)=chr$(0)
- 650 f=1
- 660 print" ";t;s
- 670 forc=0to8
- 680 ford=fto15
- 690 get#2,by$(d)
- 700 if by$(d)="" then by$(d)=chr$(0)
- 710 next d:f=0
- 720 nm=1
- 730 if c=0 or c=1 then goto 750
- 740 if c<>8 then nm=0:goto1090
- 750 by$=""
- 760 ford=0to15
- 770 bn=asc(by$(d))
- 780 n1=int(bn/16)
- 790 b1$=mid$(hx$,n1+1,1)
- 800 n2=int(bn-16*n1)
- 810 b2$=mid$(hx$,n2+1,1)
- 820 fork=2to18step2
- 830 if b1$=mid$(hx$,k,1) then b1$="5"
- 840 next
- 850 if b1$<>"5" then b1$="4"
- 860 by$=b1$+b2$
- 870 if by$="40" then by$="20"
- 880 if fl=0 then goto920
- 890 if cm$(d+1)<>by$ then nm=0
- 900 if fl=1 and nm=0 then d=16:goto990
- 910 if d=len(rp$)-1 then d=16:goto990
- 920 by$(d)=by$
- 930 if fl<>3 then goto990
- 940 nm=0
- 950 if c=0 then l1$=l1$+by$:gosub1590
- 960 if c=1 then l3$=l3$+by$:gosub1590
- 970 if c=0 or c=8 then l2$=l2$+by$:gosub1590
- 980 if fl=3 then d=16
- 990 nextd
- 1000 if fl=1 or fl=3 then goto1090
- 1010 ford=0to15-len(rp$):nm=1
- 1020 if by$(d)<>cm$(1) then goto 1070
- 1030 fork=1tolen(rp$)-1
- 1040 if by$(d+k)<>cm$(k+1) then nm=0
- 1050 next
- 1060 if nm=1 then d=16:goto1080
- 1070 if d=15-len(rp$) then nm=0
- 1080 next
- 1090 if nm=1 then c=9
- 1100 next
- 1110 if nm=1 then goto1220
- 1120 s=s+1:gosub1150
- 1130 if t>et then goto1290
- 1140 goto610
- 1150 if sf=0 then sl=12:goto1200
- 1160 if t<18 then sl=20:goto1200
- 1170 if t<25 then sl=18:goto1200
- 1180 if t<31 then sl=17:goto1200
- 1190 if t<35 then sl=16
- 1200 if s>sl then s=0:t=t+1:l1$="":l2$="":l3$=""
- 1210 return
- 1220 print rp$" found -"
- 1230 print"track, sector:";t;s
- 1240 print"more rpg codebusting? (y or n)"
- 1250 geta$:if a$="" then goto1250
- 1260 close 15,8,15:close 2,8,2
- 1270 if a$="y" then goto 60
- 1280 end
- 1290 print rp$;" not yet found..."
- 1300 close 15,8,15:close 2,8,2
- 1310 goto 60
- 1320 ford=0to7:by$(d)="0":next
- 1330 print "no commas, please..."
- 1340 input"character stat";cs
- 1350 if cs>268435456 then print"figure too large for routine":return
- 1360 if cs=268435456 then by$(6)="1":goto1500
- 1370 if cs=16777216 then by$(7)="1":goto1500
- 1380 if cs>16777216 then dv=16777216:d=7:gosub1550
- 1390 if cs=1048576 then by$(4)="1":goto1500
- 1400 if cs>1048576 then dv=1048576:d=4:gosub 1550
- 1410 if cs=65536 then by$(5)="1":goto1500
- 1420 if cs>65536 then dv=65536:d=5:gosub 1550
- 1430 if cs=4096 then by$(2)="1":goto1500
- 1440 if cs>4096 then dv=4096:d=2:gosub1550
- 1450 if cs=256 then by$(3)="1":goto1500
- 1460 if cs>256 then dv=256:d=3:gosub1550
- 1470 if cs=16 then by$(0)="1":goto1500
- 1480 if cs>16 then dv=16:d=0:gosub1550
- 1490 by$(1)=mid$(hx$,cs+1,1)
- 1500 by$(0)=by$(0)+by$(1):by$(1)=by$(2)+by$(3)
- 1510 by$(2)=by$(4)+by$(5):by$(3)=by$(6)+by$(7)
- 1520 print"probable form of coded stat in block:"
- 1530 print by$(0),by$(1),by$(2),by$(3)
- 1540 return
- 1550 q=cs/dv:q=int(q)
- 1560 by$(d)=mid$(hx$,q+1,1)
- 1570 cs=cs-dv*q
- 1580 return
- 1590 if l1$=i$ then nm=1
- 1600 if l2$=i$ then nm=1
- 1610 if l3$=i$ then nm=1
- 1620 if nm=1 then c=9:return
- 1630 if len(l1$)=len(i$) then t$=l1$:goto1670
- 1640 if len(l2$)=len(i$) then t$=l2$:goto1670
- 1650 if len(l3$)=len(i$) then t$=l3$:goto1670
- 1660 goto1740
- 1670 fork=3tolen(t$)-1step2:w=len(t$)-(k-1):t2$=right$(t$,w):v=len(t2$)
- 1680 if t2$=mid$(i$,1,v)thenk=len(t$)
- 1690 next
- 1700 if mid$(t2$,1,2)<>mid$(i$,1,2) then t2$=""
- 1710 if len(l1$)=len(i$) then l1$=t2$:goto1740
- 1720 if len(l2$)=len(i$) then l2$=t2$:goto1740
- 1730 if len(l3$)=len(i$) then l3$=t2$
- 1740 return